Exploring the idea of an expanded world view
Exploring Te Ao Māori through the dominant paradigm
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Your Instructor
Stephen’s a practiced HR/OD leader with over 20 years experience in senior roles in large and medium-sized organisations (from $10M p.a. /150 FTE, to $1.8B p.a. / 8,500 FTE), in both public and private sectors across Aotearoa, AsiaPacific, and EMEA. He holds degrees in Management & Employment Relations, and in Strategic HR Management from The University of Auckland Business School. But at the heart of it, he describes himself as a regular guy, who loves building awesome organisations. His authentically human and refreshingly honest take on organisational development and leadership shines welcomed light into a bright future for the world of work. Stephen’s whakapapa is Māori, Cook Island, and Scottish. His hapū is Ngāti Tūkorehe from Ruapeka Marae near Tirau in the Waikato. His iwi is Ngāti Raukawa. He grew up in West Auckland where he lives with his whānau and 4 kids ages 9 to 15.
Course Curriculum
StartInvitation to expand our world view (4:24)
StartFinding old ways to do new things (4:07)
StartInterdependancy (3:32)
StartInterdependancy with each other (1:37)
StartInterdependancy with community (3:16)
StartInterdependancy with our environment (3:24)
StartInterdependancy with time (5:05)
StartRedefining effective relationships (7:18)
StartReframing performance as service (3:22)
StartReframing sustainability as stewardship (5:16)
StartReframing leadership as service leadership (7:21)
StartParadox (8:48)
StartEmbracing paradox (4:50)
StartWhat's next? (6:25)